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- Conferences
- 7th Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics
- 12th Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, June 19–23
- AAA102-102nd Workshop on General Algebra, June 24-26, 2022, Szeged
- History of Mathematics & Teaching of Mathematics Conference (2022. május 18-21)
- CSM - The 6th Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics (June 29 - July 1, 2022, Szeged, Hungary)
- 2022 Szeged Workshop on Convexity (May 27-28, 2022, Szeged, Hungary)
- Conference at the occasion of Prof. László Kérchy's 70th birthday (November 15, 2021, Szeged)
- Szeged Geometry Day 2021 (October 1, 2021, Szeged, Hungary)
- Conference at the occasion of Prof. Péter Hajnal's 60th birthday (Aug 25-26, 2021, Szeged)
- CSM - The 6th Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics (June 24-26, 2020, Szeged, Hungary) ! DELAYED!
- BIOMAT 2019, (October 21-25, 2019, Szeged, Hungary)
- CMS Scientific Session: Interplay Between Discrete Geometry, Analysis and Combinatorics (December 6-9, 2019, Toronto, ON, Canada)
- Szeged Dynamics Day 2019 (June 13, 2019, Szeged, Hungary)
- Conference at the occasion of Prof. Ferenc Móricz's 80th birthday (May 16, 2019, Szeged)
- Preserver Weekend in Szeged Workshop (April 12-14, 2019, Szeged, Hungary)
- Finite Geometry Workshop 2019 (January 31 - February 3, 2019, Szeged, Hungary)
- Eleventh Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (June 17-21, 2019, Szeged, Hungary)
- 2019 Szeged Workshop on Convexity (April 5-6, 2019, Szeged, Hungary)
- Sándor Csörgő Memorial Conference (May 18, 2018, Szeged)
- Szeged Dynamics Days 2018 (June 26-27, 2018, Szeged, Hungary)
- CSM - The 5th Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics (June 25-27, 2018, Szeged, Hungary)
- Szeged Geometry Day 2017 (October 6, 2017, Szeged, Hungary)
- Preservers Everywhere Conference (June 19-23, 2017, Szeged, Hungary)
- Finite Geometry Workshop 2017 (April 28 - May 1, 2017, Szeged, Hungary)
- CSM - The 4th Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics (June 27-29, 2016, Szeged, Hungary)
- Conference "Functional Analysis Meets Linear Algebra" (April 9-10, Szeged, Hungary)
- A conference at the occasion of Prof. László Leindler's 80th birthday
- 5th Workshop on Modeling in Life Sciences (November 20, 2015, Szeged, Hungary)
- 2015 Szeged Workshop on Convexity (November 13-14, 2015, Szeged, Hungary)
- Central limit theorems (May 20, MTA, Budapest, Hungary)
- Tenth Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (July 1-4, 2015, Szeged, Hungary)
- Szeged Winter School (January 30 - February 1, 2015, Szeged, Hungary)
- Workshop on Modeling in Life Sciences (November 3, 2014, Szeged, Hungary)
- Autumn School on Laser Dynamics (September 24-28, 2014, Szeged, Hungary)
- Szeged Summer School on Mathematical Epidemiology (August 4-7, 2014, Szeged, Hungary)
- CSM - The Third Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics (June 30 - July 2, 2014, Szeged, Hungary)
- Szeged Geometry Day (May 22, 2014)
- Workshop in Combinatorics (March 7-9, 2014)
- Wolfram Mathematica Workshop (March 6, 2014)
- Szeged Dynamics Days (February 28 - March 1, 2014)
- Sz.-Nagy Centennial Conference (June 24-28, 2013, Szeged, Hungary)
- Finite Geometry Conference and Workshop (10-14 June, 2013)
- Szegedi sztochasztikus napok Krámli András 70. születésnapja alkalmából (2013. július 26-27.)
- Szegedi dinamikus napok Hatvani László 70. születésnapja alkalmából
- The International Workshop on Functional Analysis (October 12-14, 2012, Timisoara, Romania)
- CSM - The Second Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics (June 28-30, 2012, Szeged, Hungary)
- Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory (June 21-25, 2012, Szeged, Hungary)
- Workshop on Potential Theory and Applications (Szeged, Hungary, May 28 - 31, 2012)
- History of Mathematics & Teaching of Mathematics
- Szeged Workshop in Convex and Discrete Geometry (May 21-23, Szeged, Hungary)
- Szeged-Timisoara Workshop on Differential Equations (April 20-22, Szeged, Hungary)
- Cross-Border Biostatistics Meeting 2011
- Modelling in Life Sciences - 2011
- Ninth Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (28 June - 1 July, 2011, Szeged, Hungary)
- Symposium on Applications of Lattice Theory
- SZTE Szabad Szoftver Konferencia
- International Conference of Teaching and Learning Mathematics (August 23-25, 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia)
- A matematikatanítás jelene és jövöje (2010. augusztus 23-24., Békéscsaba)
- Konferencia: ICTLM 2010
- Szakmódszertani kutatások a temészettudományos, illetve a matematika és az informatika tantárgyakhoz kapcsolódóan (2010. május 20-21., Szeged)
- Conference on Algorithmic Complexity and Universal Algebra (16-20 July, 2007, Szeged, Hungary)
- Szőkefalvi Nagy Gyula Emlékkonferencia (2003. november 12-13.)
- Matematikus Doktoranduszok Konferenciája (Szeged, 1998. dec. 16-18.)
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