Kerékjártó Seminar

Autumn (2013)

Lectures of the Kerékjártó Seminar.

(organizer: Árpád Kurusa)

 November 28., 2013 (thursday 13:00, room Kerékjártó; The event page)
Lecturer: Böröczky, Károly jr., (Rényi, Budapest, Hungary)
Title of the lecture: A formálódó logaritmikus Brunn-Minkowski elméletről
(The forming logaritmic Brunn-Minkowski theory)
 November 7., 2013 (thursday 13:00, room Kerékjártó; The event page)
Lecturer: Horváth, Márton, (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)
Title of the lecture: Geodetikus gömbök metszetéről
(About the intersection of geodesic balls)
 October 17., 2013 (thursday 13:00, room Farkas (M2-108); The event page)
Lecturer: Szűcs, András, (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)
Title of the lecture: A homológiák végtelenül komplexek
(Homologies are infinitely complex)
 October 3., 2013 (thursday 13:00, room Farkas (M2-108); The event page
Lecturer: Szeghy, Dávid, (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)
Title of the lecture: Infinitezimális orbit típus tételek
(Infinitesimal Orbit types theorems)
 September 26., 2013 (thursday 13:00, room Farkas (M2-108); The event page)
Lecturer: Szilasi, József, (Debrecen, Hungary)
Title of the lecture: Berwald-sokaságok – és néhány lépés tovább
(Berwald manifolds – and some steps beyond)
 September 16., 2013 (monday 11:00, room Farkas (M2-108); The event page)
Lecturer: Luis Montejano, (UNAM, Mexico)
Title of the lecture: When is a disk trapped by four lines?
 September 12., 2013 (thursday 15:00, room Kerékjártó (M1); The event page)
Lecturer: Deborah Oliveros, (UNAM, Mexico)
Title of the lecture: Colourful and fractional versions of Helly's theorem and its relatives

Next semester as planed: Spring (2014).

Summaries of the lectures.

About the Kerékjártó Seminar

Telemedicine-focused research activities on the field of Matematics, Informatics and Medical sciences
Project TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0073

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