Kerékjártó Seminar

About the Kerékjártó Seminar

The official seminar of the department of Geometry.

The topic of the seminar lectures is geometry and its boundaries, but this definition is extremely broadly interpreted.

There are usually 2-5 external speakers in each semester and the same number of lecturer from Szeged can present his/her current research topics. Not just colleagues, but talented students, SSG-makers, and PhD students are also expected among the speakers, and in the audience.

Lectures usually take place every 2-3-4 weeks on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. A lecture is a maximum of two, but typically only an hour long, its location is usually the Riesz Hall of the Bolyai Institute. We also try to adapt the time and place of each lecture to the schedules of the lecturer, the Department and the Bolyai Institute, therefore the time and place of each lecture are announced in advance on multiple channels.

Information about the expected program of the seminar in the semester can be found at the seminar section of the website of the Department of Geometry. Each lectures will be announced through the following channels:

  • in the news and seminar section of the website of the Department of Geometry,
  • on the billboard of the Department of Geometry in the corridor of the Bolyai Institute,
  • in the seminar's Google Calendar (to get this into your own calendar just click on this), and
  • on the seminar's email list "geoszem{at}" (to subscribe write an arbitrary email from your email address to the email addrees geoszem-join{at}

Before the lectures, we will have a short gathering with coffee, tea and cake. The venue is usually the Department of Geometry or the venue of the lecture.

We welcome applicants and suggestions for lectures ans talks. These can be provided or indicated orally or by phone to any of the department's staff or by email to the department's email address " geometry {at} ".

The history of the Kerékjártó Seminar

Organized by Ferenc Fodor and Gábor Nagy, a lecture series, named after the first appointed head of the Department of Geometry Béla Kerékjártó Geometry Seminar. This seminar activity subsided by spring 2010.

Organized by the department, Geometry Seminar was launched by the Department of Geometry in the fall of 2008 as a credit-worthy course for students. It was held on a weekly basis (Wednesday morning 8-10) and for the most part departmental colleagues presented his/her research. The activity of this seminar ceased in the spring of 2010.

The Kerékjártó Seminar heir to both previous departmental lecture series, a continuation of their good qualities.

The Kerékjártó Seminar was started in 2012 by Árpád Kurusa.

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