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Matthew Jensen (LSE): A hypergraph Turán theorem via a generalised notion of hypergraph Lagrangian

iCal fájl letöltése
Csütörtök, 3. Július 2014, 12:00 - 12:30
Abstract. The theory of hypergraph Lagrangians, developed by Frankl and Füredi [Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. \textbf{16} (1988), 305--313] and Sidorenko [Mat. Zametki \textbf{41} (1987), 433--455], is a valuable tool in the field of hypergraph Turán problems. Here we present a generalised notion of the hypergraph Lagrangian and use it to show that the maximum Lagrangian of an $r$-graph $H$ with the property that for all $e,f\in E(H), \abs{e\cap f} ≠(r-2)$ is attained by $K_{r+1}^{(r)}$, the complete $r$-graph on $r+1$ vertices in the cases $r=3,4,5,6,7$ and 8.
Hely : Kalmár Intézet, Árpád tér, szemináriumi szoba


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