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László Ozsvárt: On the geometric Ramsey number of outerplanar graphs

iCal fájl letöltése
Péntek, 28. Február 2014, 10:30 - 12:00
Abstract. This lecture will be based on the still unpublished paper of Josef Cibulka, Pu Gao, Marek Krcal, Tomas Valla and Pavel Valtr of the same title. The geometric/convex Ramsey number of a planar graph $G$ is the smallest number $n$ which has the property of every 2-edge colored geometric/convex $K_n$ containing a monocromatic noncrossing copy of $G$. They proved polynomial upper bounds for the geometrix and convex Ramsey numbers of the ladder graph $L_{2n}$, then generalized their method for 2-pathwidth graphs. The lecture will be about these results.
Hely : Kalmár Intézet, Árpád tér, szemináriumi szoba


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