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Gelasio Salazar (Instituto de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi): Pseudocircles

iCal fájl letöltése
Hétfő, 6. Június 2016, 11:00 - 13:00
An arrangement of circles is simply a collection of circles in the plane, that pairwise intersect in exactly $0,1$, or $2$ points. A pseudocircle is a simple closed curve in some surface. An arrangement of pseudocircles is supposed to mimic an arrangement of circles: the pseudocircles in the collection pairwise intersect in $0, 1$, or $2$ points,
although there exist more general models (such as the one we work with) in which any two curves are allowed to intersect each other in any (finite) number of points. Arrangements of pseudocircles are defined in any surface, not only in the plane. The properties of an arrangement of pseudocircles $C_1,C_2, \ldots,C_n$ in an orientable surface are encoded into an "intersection matrix".
Hely : Bolyai Intézet, II. emelet, Szőkefalvi terem, Aradi Vértanúk tere 1., Szeged


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