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Nagy Noémi (ELTE): Approximate master equations for dynamical processes on graphs

iCal fájl letöltése
Csütörtök, 7. Április 2016, 10:00 - 12:00
Abstract. Epidemic processes running on large networks attracted considerable interest in the last decade. Assuming SIS-dynamics on a network with N nodes, the mathematical model describing these processes is a continuous time Markov chain with an extremely large state space, leading to the master equations that form a system of linear ordinary differential equations consisting of 2^N equations. Solving these even numerically is impossible for the typical values of N simply due to the large number of the equations. The challenge is to reduce the size of the state space from 2^N to N + 1, thus the new state space is {0,1,...,N}, denoting the number of infected nodes in the network. We approximate analytically the transmission rates, which depend on the structure of the network. The reduced system gives good agreement with the exact model. We show that this approach is feasible for graphs with arbitrary degree distributions.
Hely : Bolyai Intézet, I. emelet, Riesz terem, Aradi Vértanúk tere 1., Szeged


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