A következő kombinatorika szemináriumok ideje

június 23. (kedd), 10:00-


Riesz terem (Bolyai Épület, I. emelet)

Az előadások:

Czabarka Éva (University of South Carolina): Maximum number of entries in a joint degree vector

A joint degree vector encodes the number of elements between degree i and degree j vertices in a graph. The maximum number of nonzero entries in the vector give an upper bound on the number of parameters we may be able to estimate in an exponential random graph model based on a joint degree matrix. We have shown that this number is asymptotically between $n^2/4$ and $13n^2/48$.

László A. Székely (University of South Carolina): Biplanar and k-planar crossing numbers

Abstract: Íll discuss the following relaxation of the concept of the ordinary crossing number: partition the edge set of the graph into k graphs, so that the sum of the ordinary crossing numbers of the k graphs is minimized. The minimum sum is the k-planar crossing number of the graph, and the k = 2 case is called the biplanar crossing number of the graph. Íll discuss some old and new results on how the k-planar crossing number is related to the ordinary crossing number. The old work is with Czabarka, Shahrokhi, Sykora and Vrt'o, while the new work is with Pach, Geza Toth and Csaba Toth.

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