A következő kombinatorika szeminárium ideje

február 20. (péntek), 10:00

Riesz terem (Bolyai épület, I. emelet).
Ez a terem az Aradi Vértanúk teri lépcsőházból nyilik. Az előadás:

Hajnal Péter: Saturated simple and 2-simple drawings of graphs

A drawing of a graph is simple iff any two edge-curves have at most one common point (a common endpoint or a crossover). A drawing is 2-simple iff any two edge-curves have at most two common points. Complete graphs have simple drawings. But non-complete graphs might have simple drawing such that there is no way to add an edge-curve and preserve simplicity (such a drawing is called a saturated drawing).

The main problem: How few edges can we have in a saturated simple drawing of a graph on n vertices? One can propose the same problem for 2-simple drawings. The answer is linear in both cases. I am going to sketch the best constructions so far.

This is a joint work with Alexander Igamberdiev, Gunter Rote and Andre Schulz.

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk,


Supported by TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0073 projekt, "Telemedicina fókuszú kutatások Orvosi, Matematikai és Informatikai tudományterületeken"