A következő kombinatorika szeminárium ideje

április 24. (péntek), 10:40 (a pesti vonat érkezése szerint kerekítve)


Riesz terem

Az előadás:

Füredi Zoltán (Rényi Intézet): Zykov's symmetrization for multiple graphs, a new tool for Turán type problems with an application to Erdős' conjecture on pentagonal edges

Abstract: Erdős, Faudree, and Rousseau (1992) showed that a graph on $n$ vertices and at least $\lfloor n^2/4\rfloor+1$ edges has at least $2\lfloor n/2\rfloor+1$ edges on triangles. This result is sharp, just add an extra edge to the complete bipartite graph.

In this talk, we give an asymptotic formula for the minimum number of edges contained on triangles in a graph having $n$ vertices and $e$ edges.

The main tool of the proof is a generalization of Zykov's symmetrization that can be applied for several graphs simultaneously. We apply our weighted symmetrization method to tackle Erdős' conjecture concerning the minimum number of edges on 5-cycles.

Joint work with Zeinab Maleki (Isfahan).

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk,


Supported by TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0073 projekt, "Telemedicina fókuszú kutatások Orvosi, Matematikai és Informatikai tudományterületeken"