A következő kombinatorika szeminárium ideje

február 14. (péntek), !!!! 10:30 !!!!,


Kalmár Intézet, Árpád tér, szemináriumi szoba (második emelet, a folyosó vége)

és előadása:

Frank Mousset, ETH: Packing rainbow Hamilton cycles in random colorings of G(n,p)

Abstract: Denote by G(n,p,c) the model of random graphs G ~ G(n,p) in which every edge is randomly assigned one of c colors. Much research has concentrated on the existence of rainbow Hamilton cycles (i.e., Ham. cycles whose edges have distinct colors) in a graph G ~ G(n,p,c). In the end, it was shown by Frieze and Loh that for p = (1+o(1)) (log n)/n and c = (1+o(1)) n, such a graph G a.a.s. contains a rainbow Hamilton cycle. Recently, we started considering a packing variant of this problem: under what conditions can one embed into G(n,p,c) many edge-disjoint rainbow Hamilton cycles? As a first step, I will present a simple technique that we used to prove that there is a constant C>0 such that for p >> (log n)/n, a graph G ~ G(n,p,Cn) a.a.s. contains np/C edge-disjoint rainbow Hamilton cycles. Joint work with Asaf Ferber (ETH) and Gal Kronenberg (TAU).

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk,


Supported by TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0073, Telemedicine Oriented Research in the Fields of Mathematics, Informatics and Medical Sciences