A következő (extra) kombinatorika szeminárium ideje

július 8. (hétfő), 10:00,
helye a szokásossá váló

Kalmár-Intézet, Árpad tér, szemináriumi szoba (második emeletet, a folyosó vége)
és előadása:

Ryan Martin (Iowa State University): Multipartite Version of the Alon-Yuster Theorem

In this talk, we will discuss a proof of the asymptotic multipartite version of the Alon-Yuster theorem. That is, if $k\geq 3$ is an integer, $H$ is a $k$-colorable graph and $\gamma>0$ is fixed, then for sufficiently large n and for every balanced $k$-partite graph $G$ on $kn$ vertices with each of its corresponding ${k\choose 2}$ bipartite subgraphs having minimum degree at least $\frac{k-1}{k}n+\gamma n$, the graph $G$ has a subgraph consisting of $\lfloor kn/|V(H)|\rfloor$ vertex-disjoint copies of $H$. This is joint work with Jozef Skokan, London School of Economics.

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk,


Supported by TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0073, Telemedicine Oriented Research in the Fields of Mathematics, Informatics and Medical Sciences