KA.jpgPublications of Ádám Kunos:

PhD Thesis, 2021

Research papers:

[8] F. K. Nedényi, Á. Kunos: On the Automorphism Group of the Substructure Ordering of Finite Directed Graphs, submitted, arXiv

Á. Kunos, M. Maróti and L. Zádori: Critical relations of crowns in critical times of coronavirus depression, Order 39 (2022) 229–241. DOI: 10.1007/s11083-021-09571-6, online at Springer Nature Sharedit

[6] Á. Kunos: Definability in the substructure ordering of finite directed graphsOrder 38 (2021) 401-420,  DOI: 10.1007/s11083-020-09548-xonline at Springer Nature Sharedit, arXiv

[5] G. Czédli, G. Gyenizse, Á. Kunos: Symmetric embeddings of free lattices into each otherAlgebra Universalis 80:11 (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s00012-019-0583-7, online at Springer Nature Sharedit,  arXiv

[4] Á. Kunos, M. Maróti and L. Zádori: On finite generability of clones of finite posets, Order 36/3 (2019) 653-666, DOI: 10.1007/s11083-019-09486-3, online at Springer Nature Sharedit

[3] Á. Kunos: Definability in the embeddability ordering of finite directed graphs, II, Order 36/2 (2019) 291-311, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11083-018-9467-2, online at Springer Nature Sharedit, arXiv

[2] G. Czédli and Á. Kunos: Geometric constructibility of cyclic polygons and a limit theorem,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 81 (2015), 643-683, pdfDOI: 10.14232/actasm-015-259-3, arXiv, Maple-worksheet[mws], Maple-worksheet[txt]

[1] Á. Kunos: Definability in the embeddability ordering of finite directed graphs, Order 32/1 (2015) 117-133, pdf, DOI:10.1007/s11083-014-9319-7

Other papers:

<2> Danka T. és Kunos Á., Valós függvények előállítása kompozícióként, Polygon, XXII. köt., 1-2. sz., 2014. máj., 85-102.; Kiegészítés a cikkhez

<1> Kunos Á., Amikor érdemes általánosítani, Polygon, XX. köt., 2. sz., 2012. máj., 33-48.