Árpád Kurusa
mathematician, associate professor
Department of Geometry
Bolyai Institute
Faculty of Science
University of Szeged

Árpád Kurusa




Small or larger programs, I have written for a variety of purposes in different circumstances.


The Difference Triangle is a small program written in Java to calculate Difference Triangles for various sequences. The functions to generate sequences should be written into the class of Sequences, where the primes and the power sequences are implemented at the moment. To use these one should modify the makeFirstLine function in the Main class to accomodate the new functions. The initial values should be given in the Main.java file, then translate with "javac *.java" together the three classes and finally start execution by the "java Main" command.
This is a javascript to solve the puzzle of digits for letters. The puzzle is to find digits for letters given in words so that the sum of two words is the third one. Letters should be substituted with digits in a one-to-one way. For example math+geo=edge is solved as 1435+627=2062.
Teach U (136.86 kB)
This is a javascript program to exercise basic math operations. It was written by my son for my daughter. Parameters can be modified in the source code. Currently, the program is suitable to excercersie the four basic mathematical operations. It lists and cummulates the false solutions, rewards the correct solutions by pleasent sounds and labels, while giving unpleasent music and red label for the wrong solutions (the voices only work in certain browsers, as TeachU has been made ​​in HTML4.
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