We are glad to announce the international meeting Szeged Workshop in Convex and Discrete Geometry which will be hosted by the Bolyai (Mathematical) Institute of the University of Szeged on May 21-23, 2012.

The scope of the meeting covers the fields of Convex and Discrete Geometry and related applications in their widest sense.

The conference venue

The Bolyai Institute is located at Aradi vértanúk tere 1. in downtown Szeged. All talks will be in the Kerékjártó lecture hall on the 2nd floor of the Bolyai Institute's building.


Imre Bárány, MTA Rényi Insitute and UCL London
Ferenc Fodor, University of Szeged and University of Calgary
Martin Henk, University of Magdeburg
Viktor Vígh, University of Szeged

last updated: 2012-07-30