
By train

Szeged has hourly inter city train service connection to Budapest. All trains to/from Szeged arrive/depart from the Budapest-Nyugati railway station. For current departure/arrival times check out the on-line schedule of the Hungarian State Railways.

By air

The closest international airport to Szeged is the Franz Liszt International Airport in Budapest (Budapest Airport or Ferihegy Airport are its old names) which has connections to all major cities worldwide.

The Franz Liszt International Airport has a train connection to Szeged. All inter city trains between Budapest and Szeged stop at the
Ferihegy Airport railway stop. For current departure/arrival times check out the on-line schedule of the Hungarian State Railways. Train tickets are sold at a kiosk at the Ferihegy railway stop.

To reach the Ferihegy Airport railway stop from Terminals 2A and 2B of the Franz Liszt International Airport, take
Bus 200E. You will need to buy a single ticket for the bus. Bus tickets can be purchased from a ticket machine at the bus stop at or from the driver.

By car

From the North: take the M5/M43 motorways. Szeged has four exits: Szeged-észak (North) at 159km on M5, Szeged-nyugat  (West) at 165km on M5, Szeged-Rókus at 7km on M43, Szeged-Felsőváros at 11km on M43. 

You may find more information on the Hungarian motorway system here. Please note that all motorways in Hungary are toll roads and users must buy vignettes before using the motorways. Vignettes are sold at gas stations.

Public Transportation in Szeged

Szeged has an extensive public transport system with four tram lines and numerous bus and electric bus (trolley bus) lines. The train station is connected to downtown by Trams 1 and 2. For current schedule and fares see this web page.

Downtown Szeged is of moderate size and most important locations are within walking distance from all major hotels and the conference venue.


Please note that in most of the Szeged downtown area there is a pay parking system in effect. For more information on zones and parking fares see this web page. Most hotels offer parking for their guests. For more details check with your hotel.