Talk of Márton Naszódi

Published on 2023. november 07. kedd, 15:32

Higher rank antipodality

The Department of Geometry is pleased to announce that

Márton Naszódi (Rényi Insitute, Hungary)

gives a talk at the Kerékjártó Seminar with the title

Higher rank antipodality

Date and place:

Thursday, December 7, 2023, at 12:30 am, Riesz lecture hall
online broadcast: Zoom Meeting

Motivated by general probability theory, we say that the set $X$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ is \emph{antipodal of rank $k$}, if for any $k+1$ elements $q_1,\ldots q_{k+1}\in X$, there is an affine map from $\mathrm{conv} X$ to the $k$-dimensional simplex $\Delta_k$ that maps $q_1,\ldots q_{k+1}$ onto the $k+1$ vertices of $\Delta_k$. For $k=1$, it coincides with the well-studied notion of (pairwise) antipodality introduced by Klee. We consider the following natural generalization of Klee's problem on antipodal sets: What is the maximum size of an antipodal set of rank $k$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$? We present a geometric characterization of antipodal sets of rank $k$ and adapting the argument of Danzer and Gr{\"u}nbaum originally developed for the $k=1$ case, we prove an upper bound which is exponential in the dimension. We point out that this problem can be connected to a classical question in computer science on finding perfect hashes, and it provides a lower bound on the maximum size, which is also exponential in the dimension. Joint work with Zsombor Szilágyi and Mihály Weiner.


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