Talk of Ádám Sagmeister

Published on 2022. november 18. péntek, 15:35

The isodiametric problem in spaces of constant curvature and its stability

The Department of Geometry is pleased to announce that

Sagmeister, Ádám Ádám Sagmeister

(Eötvös University, Hungary)

gives a talk at the Kerékjártó Seminar with the title

The isodiametric problem in spaces of constant curvature and its stability

Date and place:

Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 12:30 pm, Riesz lecture hall
online broadcast: Zoom Meeting

The isodiametric inequality in the Euclidean space was proved by Bieberbach and Urysohn; namely, balls maximize the volume of a convex body of given diameter. We verify the analogous statement in the spherical and hyperbolic spaces. In addition, we prove a stability version of this statement in each of the three types of spaces of constant curvature. The reverse isodiametric problem is looking for the convex body of constant widt of a given diameter with the minimal volume. Blaschke and Lebesgue proved, that on the plane, the Reuleaux triangle has the minimal area among these bodies, however this problem is still open in higher dimensions. We will see the extension of this result in planes of constant curvature, where we also prove a stability version of the theorem. This is a joint work with Károly J. Böröczky.


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