
Lecture of Lajos Molnár

Isometries and mean preserving maps on matrix algebra and operator algebras

The Department of Geometry is pleased to divulge that

Molnár, Lajos Lajos Molnár
(Szeged and Budapest, Hungary)

gives a lecture at the Kerékjártó Seminar with title

Izometriák és közepeket megőrző leképezések mátrix- és operátoralgebrákon
(Isometries and mean preserving maps on matrix algebra and operator algebras)

Date and place of the lecture is:

Thursday February 11, 2021, at 14:30,
Zoom Meeting 6237505738

Abstract of the lecture:
There are important Riemannian structures defined on the cone of positive definite matrices with a number of applications. Associated to those structures natural concepts of distances as well as means emerge. In this talk we present complete descriptions of the corresponding isometries as geometric transformations and also the maps preserving means as algebraic operations. We do not restrict the considerations to the finite dimensional case, we discuss our results in the setting of operator algebras, too. "


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