
Lecture of Bernardo González Merino

Higher dimensional arithmetic, harmonic, and other mean inequalities

The Department of Geometry is pleased to divulge that

Bernardo González Merino Bernardo González Merino
(University of Murcia, Spane)

gives a lecture at the Kerékjártó Seminar with title

Higher dimensional arithmetic, harmonic, and other mean inequalities

Date and place of the lecture is:

Thursday February 25, 2021, at 12:30,
Zoom Meeting 6237505738

Abstract of the lecture:
Let $K$ and $C$ be n-dimensional convex and compact sets. If we identify non-negative numbers $a,b>0$ with the line-segments $[-a,a]$, $[-b,b]$, then their arithmetic mean $(a+b)/2$ is naturally identified with the line segment $[-(a+b)/2,(a+b)/2]=([-a,a]+[-b,b])/2$, which can be understood as the arithmetic mean of $[-a,a]$ and $[-b,b]$. In this regard, we consider the higher dimensional arithmetic mean of $K$ and $C$ by $(K+C)/2$. Similar arguments help us in defining other higher dimensional means of convex and compact sets.
It is well-known how deep the relations between the different means of numbers dig its roots in Mathematics. In this talk, we will explore how to properly define different higher dimensional means of convex and compact sets. Moreover, we will also study some of their relations (via optimal inclusions of sets), by means of the asymmetry measure of Minkowski of the sets.
This is part of an ongoing project with René Brandenberg and Katherina von Dichter (Technische Universität München).


az eseményeken rendszerint kép- és hangfelvétel is készül tömegfelvételek formájában, egyben az esemény sajtónyilvános rendezvény is.
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