
Lecture of Ferenc Fodor

Strengthened inequalities for the mean width and the $\ell$-norm

The Department of Geometry is pleased to divulge that

Fodor, Ferenc Ferenc Fodor
(Szeged, Hungary)

gives a lecture at the Kerékjártó Seminar with title

Konvex testek átlagszélességére és $\ell$-normájára vonatkozó egyenlőtlenségek stabilitása
(Strengthened inequalities for the mean width and the $\ell$-norm)

Date and place of the lecture is:

Thursday October 1, 2020, at 12:30,
Zoom Meeting 6237505738

Abstract of the lecture:
Barthe proved that the regular simplex maximizes the mean width of convex bodies whose John ellipsoid is the Euclidean unit ball. This is equivalent to the fact that the regular simplex maximizes the $\ell$-norm of convex bodies whose Löwner ellipsoid is the Euclidean unit ball. The reverse statement that the regular simplex minimizes the mean width of convex bodies whose Löwner ellipsoid is the Euclidean unit ball was proved by Schmuckenschläger. In this talk we prove the stability of these inequalities and some related statements for the convex hull of the support of centered isotropic measures on the unit sphere. Our main tools are the stability versions of the geometric Brascamp-Lieb and the reverse Brascamp-Lieb inequalities for certain special classes of functions.
This is joint work with Károly J. Böröczky (Budapest, Hungary) and Daniel Hug (Karlsruhe, Germany).


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