
Lecture of Károly Bezdek

More on uniform contractions of balls in Minkowski spaces

The Department of Geometry is pleased to divulge that

Bezdek, Károly Károly Bezdek
(Calgary, Canada; Veszprém, Hungary)

gives a lecture at the Kerékjártó Seminar with title

More on uniform contractions of balls in Minkowski spaces

Date and place of the lecture is:

Thursday July 18, 2019, at 12:30,
room Riesz (BO-107)

Abstract of the lecture:
Let $N$ balls of the same radius be given in a d-dimensional real normed vector space, i.e., in a Minkowski $d$-space. Then apply a uniform contraction to the centers of the $N$ balls without changing the common radius. Here a uniform contraction is a contraction where all the pairwise distances in the first set of centers are larger than all the pairwise distances in the second set of centers. The core result of this talk states that a uniform contraction of the centers does not increase (resp., decrease) the volume of the union (resp., intersection) of $N$ balls in Minkowski $d$-space, provided that $N\geq 2^d$ (resp., $N\geq 3^d$ and the unit ball of the Minkowski $d$-space is a generating set).


az eseményeken rendszerint kép- és hangfelvétel is készül tömegfelvételek formájában, egyben az esemény sajtónyilvános rendezvény is.
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