Viktor Vígh habilitates

Published on 2018. november 21. szerda, 21:05

Habilitation of Viktor Vígh

The Department of Geometry is pleased to divulge that

Vígh, Viktor Viktor Vígh
(Szeged, Hungary)

reads his lectures for his habilitation on monday, December 3, 2018:

faculty lecture at 11:00:
Átdarabolhatóság síkban és térben
(Dissections in plane and space)
scientific lecture at 12:00:
Véletlen körpoligonok területéről és csúcsszámáról
(On the area and the number of vertices of random discpolygons)

The lectures take place at:

SZTE TTIK Bolyai Intézet Bolyai terem
(Szeged, Aradi Vértanúk tere 1.)

Earlier habilitations at this department:
Kurusa Árpád habilitates
Ferenc Fodor habilitates
Gábor Nagy habilitates