
Viktor Vígh habilitates

Habilitation of Viktor Vígh

The Department of Geometry is pleased to divulge that

Vígh, Viktor Viktor Vígh
(Szeged, Hungary)

reads his lectures for his habilitation on monday, December 3, 2018:

faculty lecture at 11:00:
Átdarabolhatóság síkban és térben
(Dissections in plane and space)
scientific lecture at 12:00:
Véletlen körpoligonok területéről és csúcsszámáról
(On the area and the number of vertices of random discpolygons)

The lectures take place at:

SZTE TTIK Bolyai Intézet Bolyai terem
(Szeged, Aradi Vértanúk tere 1.)

Earlier habilitations at this department:
Kurusa Árpád habilitates
Ferenc Fodor habilitates
Gábor Nagy habilitates

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