Updates (chronological order, the last one is the latest one)

1) If you have problems with joining the zoom meeting, then you can contact Silvia Simionato at silvia.simionato@springernature.com for help.

2) This is how you can find the zoom link to the meeting: Right after you registered, an email message was sent to you with subject line

"Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum": Functional Analysts and Operator Theorists Celebrate the 100th Anniversary Confirmation

That message contains your personal zoom link.

3)  Some requests concerning the use of the zoom platform: When joining the meeting, please give your full name in order to be clearly identifiable. During the presentations please mute your speaker and turn off your camera. If you would like to speak up, please use the "Raise hand" button (you find it in the button line on the zoom screen after clicking on the "Reactions" button. If the floor is given to you, then please unmute your speaker (you can also turn on your camera) and speak. When finished, please mute again and turn off your camera.

4) On both days of the meeting, after the talks, there will be room for making comments on Acta Szeged, on the anniversary. If you have something interesting to tell, then please speak up.

5) Here is the link to the videos of the talks at the anniversary online meeting: link